Stream On Advertising Campaign
You watch a movie on Netflix, stream music from Spotify, and share videos with friends. Now imagine the advertising industry doing all that with video ads. At Extreme Reach, we are building the technology to meet the future demands of global video advertising.
To support ER’s ability to stream a video ad to any device without a complicated workflow, we created the “Stream On” campaign. The goal was to let the advertising world know how easy it is for them to do what they do best. The campaign covered every marketing channel: web, print, paid and owned media, events, premiums, and especially video.
A full omnichannel marketing campaign that included three videos; each about a specific pain point of the video advertising process.
• 3 videos shot onsite in a stream in Georgia
• Custom illustration and graphic design
• Web development
• Print design
• Event production (custom booth creation)
• Banner and print ads (AdAge, ANA, etc)
Sam found peace in the stream
See Sam losing his mind trying to find the creative assets to launch a video campaign on time.
Streams came true for Rachel
Feel Rachel’s nightmare of pain when the client sees the video ad online and it looks, well, crappy.
Ben was saved in the stream
Watch Ben try to weasel out of telling the client about costly Talent & Rights penalties.