TurnTo Social Network Application Design
TurnTo provides innovative tools and tactical insights for optimizing customer acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referrals. TurnTo brought me in to help launch the beta of their app and website. Both the app and the website were designed to scale rapidly. We knew that a very large number of users would join, because of that the design priority was to make sure their experience was as easy to manage as possible.
The design process required that I collaborate with the programmers in real-time working inside an Intelligent Design Environment (IDE). As we were testing the product we were prototyping the UX directly in the browser.

UX design of the browser widget that was dynamically integrated into brand websites.

The app is displayed within a browser window as a modal layer within a partner's website. This limitation required that the entire be discreetly displayed using multiple layers of interaction.

We rigorously tested to see how much of the screen real estate could be devoted to the TutnTo app before the information became too visually dense.
Trusted references.
The success of a project often depends on the integration of the team members. It was an exciting time when TurnTo and I worked on this project together. A new startup entering into the age of access with a first-of-its-kind client-side browser plugin. The team was lean, with one UX designer and two programmers. We embedded our workflow into one Jira environment. Because of our smallness and agility, we were able to rapidly prototype all kinds of scenarios that helped shape the development pipeline and the business enablement.